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Full Publication List
(clink on references for links to the articles)

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning (Conscious and Unconscious)


  1. Osman, M. (2024). Public Evaluations of Misinformation and Motives for Sharing It. Journalism and Media, 5, 766-786

  2. Adams, Z., Osman, M., Bechlivanidis, C., & Meder, B. (2023). (Why) Is misinformation a problem?. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 

  3. Osman, M. (2023). Misdiagnosing the problem of why behavioural change interventions fail. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 46.

  4. Osman, M., (2023). Using the study of reasoning to address the age of unreason. Behavioural and Brain Sciences

  5. Kogler, C., Olson, J., Osman, M., & Zeelenberg, M. (2022). The Effect of Transparent Unequal Penalty Rates on Safety Compliance for Different Sized Businesses. Behavioural Public Policy

  6. Fenton, N., Osman, M., Neil, M., McLachlan. S. (2021). Misinterpreting statistical anomalies and risk assessment when analysing Covid-19 deaths by ethnicity. Significance

  7. Neil, M., Fenton, N., Osman, M., McLachlan. S. (2020). Bayesian Network Analysis of Covid-19 data reveals higher Infection Prevalence Rates and lower Fatality Rates than widely reported. Journal of Risk Research, 23, 866-879

  8. Fenton, N., Neil, M., Osman, M., McLachlan. S. (2020). COVID-19 infection and death rates: the need to incorporate causal explanations for the data and avoid bias in testing. Journal of Risk Research, 23, 862-865

  9.  Johansen, M. K., & Osman, M. (2020). Coincidence judgment in causal reasoning: How coincidental is this?. Cognitive Psychology, 120, 101290.

  10. Osman, M (2018). Persistent Maladies: The case of two-mind syndrome. Trends in Cognitive Science, 276 – 277.

  11. Johansen, M. K., & Osman, M. (2015). Coincidences: A fundamental consequence of rational cognition. New Ideas in Psychology, 39, 34-44.

  12. Osman, M. (2013). A Case Study Dual-Process Theories of Higher Cognition—Commentary on Evans & Stanovich (2013). , (3), 248-252.

  13. Hagmayer, Y., & Osman, M. (2012). From colliding billiard balls to colluding desperate housewives: causal Bayes nets as rational models of everyday causal reasoning. (1), 17-28.

  14. De Neys, W., Cromheeke, K., & Osman, M. (2011). Biased but in doubt: Conflict and decision confidence   PLOS One, 6, e15954.

  15. Osman, M. (2007). Can tutoring improve performance on a reasoning task under deadline conditions. Memory & Cognition, 35, 342-351.

  16. Osman, M., & Stavy, R. (2006). Intuitive rules: from formative to developed reasoning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13, 935-953.

  17. Osman, M. (2004). An Evaluation of Dual Process Theories of Reasoning. Psychonomic Bulletin Review, 11, 998-1010.

  18. Osman, M. (2002). Hypothesis-Testing Behaviour. Thinking and Reasoning, 231-232. 

  19. Osman, M. & Laming, D. (2001). Misinterpretation of conditional statements in Wason’s selection task. Psychological Research, 65, 121-144.

Inductive learning (Conscious and Unconscious)

  1. Osman. M. (2024). Energy transitioning: Communicating risk to decision-makers. Journal of Risk Research

  2. Osman. M., & Jenkins, S. (2024). How do Behavioural, Financial and Technological Interventions Compare in the Public’s Mind when it comes to Health and Sustainability? Scientific Journal of Research and Reviews, 4. 2.

  3. Jenkins, S., Lachlan, R., & Osman, M. (2024). An Integrative Framework for Mapping the Psychological Landscape of Risk Perception. Scientific Reports.

  4. Osman. M. (2024). Energy transitioning: Why bother with uncertainty and why does risk tolerance really matter? Journal of Risk Research

  5. Hunte, J., Neil, M., Fenton, N., Osman., M., & Bechlivanidis, C. (2024) The effect of risk communication on consumers’ risk perception, risk tolerance and utility of smart and non-smart home appliances. Safety Science

  6. Ryterska, A., Adams, Z., & Osman. M. (2022). Actions do not always speak louder than words: the role of social incentives when choosing and executing cooperative effort. Experimental Psychology.

  7. Osman, M. (2021). UK public understanding of unconscious bias and unconscious bias training. Psychology.

  8. Puthucheary, Z. A., Osman, M., Harvey, D. J., & McNelly, A. S. (2021). Talking to multi-morbid patients about critical illness: an evolving conversation. Age and Ageing.

  9. Schoppek, W., Kluge, A., Osman, M., & Funke, J. (2018). Complex problem solving beyond the psychometric approach. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1224.

  10. Osman, M, Glass, B., Hola, S, Stollwerk, S. (2017). Reward and Feedback in the Control over Dynamic Events. Psychology, 8, 1063-1089.

  11. Glass, B., & Osman, M. (2016). Positive Explorers: Modeling Dynamic Control in Normal Aging. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 24(1), 62-79.

  12. Osman. M., Glass, B., & Hola, Z. (2015). Approaches to learning to control dynamic uncertainty. Systems. 3(4), 211-236.

  13. Taya, S., Windridge, D., & Osman, M. (2012). Looking to score: The influence of goals on attention allocation and eye movement in a complex dynamic natural scene. Plos One. e39060.

  14. Osman, M. (2012). How powerful is the effect of external goals on learning in an uncertain environment? Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 575-584.

  15. Osman, M., & Speekenbrink (2011). Cue utilization and strategy application in stable and unstable dynamic environments. Cognitive Systems Research, 12, 355-364.

  16. Van Opstal, F., Gevers, W., Osman, M., & Verguts, T. (2010). Unconscious task application. Consciousness and Cognition, 19, 999-1006.

  17. Hagmayer, Y, Meder, B, Osman, M., Mangold, S., & Lagnado, D. (2010). Spontaneous causal learning while controlling a dynamic system. Open Psychology Journal, 3, 145-162

  18. Osman, M. Wilkinson, L., Beigi, M., Parvez, C., & Jahanshahi, M. (2008). The striatum and learning to control a complex system Neuropsychologia, 46, 2355–2363.

  19. Osman, M., (2008). Seeing is as good as doing. Journal of Problem Solving, 2.1.

  20. Osman, M. (2008). Observation can be as effective as action in problem solving. Cognitive Science, 162- 183.

  21. Osman, M. (2008). Positive Transfer and Negative Transfer/Anti-learning of Problem-Solving Skills. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 137, 97-115.

  22. Flach, R., Osman, M., Dickinson, A., & Heyes, C. (2006). The interaction between response effects during the acquisition of response priming. Acta Psychologica, 122, 11-26.

  23. Osman, M., Bird, G., & Heyes, C. (2005). Action observation leads to effector dependent learning. Experimental Brain Research, 165, 19-27.

  24. Osman, M. & Shanks, D. (2005). Is there evidence of systematic individual differences in causal learning and decision making? Acta Psychologica, 120, 93-112. 

  25. Bird, G., Osman, M., Saggerson, A., & Heyes, C. (2005). Sequence learning by action, observation and action observation. British Journal of Psychology, 96, 371-388.

Dynamic learning and decision-making (Conscious and Unconscious)

  1. Osman. M., & Cosstick, N. (2024). How do different groups judge the quality of research questions which inform evidence-based policy making? Journal of Educational and Psychological Research.

  2. Matsumoto, K., Malcolm, H., Thomson, W., Osman, M., Puthucheary, Z., Prowle, J., & Stephens, T. (2023). Determining influences on ventilatory decision-making in COVID-19 ARDS. European Respiratory Society. 62 (suppl 67).

  3. Adams, Z., Bechlivanidis, C., Osman, M., O'Haga, J., & Naldzhiev, D. (2022). Self-reported Side-effects of Ultraviolet-C Disinfection Devices. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 

  4. McElvaney, T. J., Osman, M., & Mareschal, I. (2022). identifying criminals: No biasing effect of criminal context on recalled threat. Memory & Cognition.

  5. Osman, M., & Nick Cosstick (2022). Finding Patterns in Policy Questions. Scientific Reports. 12(1), 20126

  6. Edmunds, C., Harris, A., Osman, M. (2022). Applying insights on categorisation, communication and dynamic decision-making: A case study of a ‘simple’ maritime military decision. Review of General Psychology.

  7. Jenkins, S., Harris, A., & Osman, M. (2021). What Drives Risk Perceptions? Revisiting Public Perceptions of Food Hazards Associated With Production and Consumption. Journal of Risk Research,

  8. Jenkins, S., Harris, A., & Osman, M. (2020). Influence of Psychological Factors in Food Risk Assessment – A Review. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 103, 282-292.

  9. Ludwiczak, A., Jahanshahi, M., & Osman M. (2020). Redefining the Relationship Between Effort and Reward: Choice-Execution Model of Effort-Based Decisions. Behavioural Brain Research, 383, 112474.

  10. Osman, M., & Verduga, O. (2019). The future of problem solving research is not complexity, but dynamic uncertainty Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 5.

  11. Osman, M. & Nelson, W. (2019). How can food futures insight promote change in consumers’ choices, are behavioural interventions (e.g. nudges) the answer? Futures, 111, 116-122.

  12. Osman, M., Ayton, P., Bouder, F., Pidgeon, N., & Lofstedt, R. (2019). Evidence based uncertainty: what is needed now?. Journal of Risk Research, 1-7.

  13. Osman, M. Radford, S., Lin, Y., Gold, N., Nelson, W., & Lofstedt, R. (2018). Learning lessons: How to practice nudging around the world. Journal of Risk Research, 23, 11-19.

  14. Meder, B., Fleischhut, N., Osman, M, (2018). Beyond the Confines of Choice Architecture: A critical analysis. Journal of Economic Psychology, 68, 36-44.

  15. Wong, R., Osman, M, Wong, W., Lin, Y., & Ho, K. (2018). Saving for a better retirement: How risk attitudes affect choice of retirement scheme. Psychological Reports, 122, 305-322.

  16. Lin, Y., Osman, M, Harris, A. J. L., & Read, D. (2018). Underlying wishes and nudged choices. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 24(4), 459–475.

  17. Osman, M., Fenton, N., Pilditch, T., Lagnado, D., & Neil, M. (2018). Who can we trust on social policy interventions? Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 40(5), 249-268

  18. Lofstedt, R., McLoughlin, M., & Osman, M. (2017). Uncertainty analysis: results from an empirical pilot study. A research note. Journal of Risk Research, 1-11.

  19. Holt, D., & Osman, M. (2017). Approaches to cognitive modeling in dynamic systems control. Frontiers in Cognitive Science, 8, 2032.

  20. Osman, M, Heath, A., & Lofstedt, R. (2017). The problems of increasing transparency on uncertainty. Public Understanding of Science, 27, 131-138.

  21. Osman. M., & Wiegmann, A. (2016). Explaining moral behavior: A minimal moral model. Experimental Psychology.  64, 68-81

  22. Osman, M. (2016). Making a meal out of uncertainty. Journal of Risk Research, 1-4.

  23. Osman, M. (2016). Nudge: How Far Have We Come? Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, (6-4), 557-570

  24. Osman. M. (2015). Moral Judgments: Truth, order and Consequence. Psychology, 6, 633-642.

  25. Osman, M., Ryterska, A., Karimi, K., Tu, L., Obeso, I., Speekenbrink, M., & Jahanshahi, M. (2014). The effects of dopaminergic medication on dynamic decision making in Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia. 53, 157-164.

  26. Kittler, J., Christmas, W., De Campos, T., Windrigde, D., Yan, F., Illingworth, J., Osman, M. (2014). Domain anomaly  detection in machine perception: A system architecture and taxonomy.  IEEE: Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 36(5), 845-859.

  27. Ryterska, A., Jahanshahi, M. & Osman, M. (2014). Global vs. local deficits in decision making in Patients with Parkisnon’s Disease. Neurodegenerative disease management, 3, 1-22.

  28. Ryterska, A., Harris, A. J. L., Ejova, A., Jahanshahi, M., & Osman, M. (2014). IInvestigating decision-making in Parkinson’s disease in tasks characterized by probabilistic cue-outcome associations: the role of optimality. Annals of Neuroscience and Psychology 1(2), 1-10.

  29. Osman, M. (2014). What are the essentials cognitive requirements for prospection (thinking about the future)? Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience, 06.2014

  30. Osman, M. (2014). Prospective thinking – putting the mind in the future. Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience 06.2014  

  31. Meder, B., Le Lec, F., & Osman, M. (2013). Decision making in uncertain times: what can cognitive and decision sciences say about or learn from economic crises? Trends in cognitive sciences, 17, 257-260.

  32. Taya, S., Windridge, D., & Osman, M. (2013). Trained Eyes: Experience Promotes Adaptive Gaze Control in Dynamic and Uncertain Visual Environments. PloS one, 8(8), e71371.

  33. Ryterska, A., Jahanshahi, M. & Osman, M. (2013). What are people with Parkinson's disease really impaired on when it comes to making decisions? A meta-analysis of the evidence. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(10), 2836-2846.

  34. Osman, M. & Speekenbrink, M. (2012). Predicting vs. Controlling a Dynamic Environment. Frontiers in  Decision Neuroscience: Dynamics of Decision Making. 3:68.

  35. Osman, M. (2012). The role of feedback in dynamic decision making. Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience: Human Choice and Adaptive Decision Making 6:56

  36. Harris, A. J., & Osman, M. (2012). The illusion of control: A Bayesian perspective. Synthese, 189(1), 29- 38.

  37. Taya, S., Windridge, D., Kittler, J., & Osman, M. (2011). The effects of goal-oriented task on eye-  movements during dynamic natural scene observation. Journal of Vision, 11(11), 477-477.

  38. Osman, M. (2010). Controlling Uncertainty: A Review of Human Behavior in Complex Dynamic  Environments. Psychological Bulletin, 136, 65-86.

  39. Taya, S., Windridge, D., Kittler, J., & Osman, M. (2010). Rule-based modulation of visual attention allocation. Perception. (Vol. 39, pp. 81-81).

  40. Osman, M., Channon, S., & Fitzpartick, S. (2009). Does the truth interfere with our ability to deceive? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16, 901-906.

  41. Collins, D.J, & Osman, M. (2004). Judgements of causality are independent of the category prior information but choice behaviour isn't. Australian Journal of Psychology, 56, 110-111.

Social Cognition (Conscious and Unconscious)


  1. Trafimow, D., Cosstick, N., & Osman. M (2024). Problem Testing (and beyond) in the Messy World of Public Policy. Scientific Journal of Research and Reviews. Scientific Journal of Research and Reviews, 4.3.

  2. Osman, M., & Bechlivanidis, C. (2024). What are the critical factors that matter to our free choice when under threat from manipulation?. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.

  3. Ludwiczak, A., Stephens, T. T., Prowle, J., Prowle, R., & Osman, M. (2023). Supporting effective shared decision-making in surgical context: why framing of choices matters for high-risk patients and clinicians. Colorectal Disease.

  4. Osman, M., & Beclivanidis, C. (2023). Folk beliefs about where manipulation outside of awareness occurs, and how much awareness and free choice is still maintained. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice

  5. Osman, M., & Bechlivanidis, (2022). Impact of personalizing experiences of manipulation outside of awareness on autonomy. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory Research and Practice.

  6. Trafimow, D., & Osman, M. (2022). Barriers to Converting Applied Social Psychology to Bettering the Human Condition?”. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 44(1), 1-11

  7. Spence, C., Jenkins, S., & Osman, M. (2022). Impact of Disease Characteristics and Knowledge on Public Risk Perception of Zoonoses. Biology Letters.

  8. Osman. M., Adams, Z., Meder, B., Bechlivanidis, C., Verduga, O., & Strong, C. (2022). People’s understanding of the concept of misinformation. Journal of Risk Research.

  9. Adams, Z., Sharma, D., Ryterska, A., & Osman. M. (2022). Verbal interaction in a social dilemma. Rationality and Society.

  10. Osman, M., & C., Bechlivanidis, C. (2021). Public perceptions of manipulations on behavior outside of awareness. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory Research and Practice.

  11. McElvaney, T. J., Osman, M., & Mareschal, I. (2021). Perceiving threat in others: The role of body morphology. PloS one, 16(4), e0249782

  12. Xhakollari, V., Canavari, M., & Osman, M. (2021). Why people follow a gluten-free diet? An application of health behaviour models. Appetite, 161, 105136.

  13. Osman, M., Mareschal, I., & Hannon, E..(2021). Finding the best way forward. Bundling Violence: How do people trade-off combinations of violent acts? Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy.

  14. Osman, M., Schwartz, P., & Wodak, S. (2021). Sustainable Consumption: What Works Best, Carbon Taxes, Subsidies and/or Nudges?. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 43(3), 169-194.

  15. Osman, M., (2020). Overstepping the boundaries of free choice: Folk beliefs on free will and determinism in real world contexts. Consciousness and Cognition, 77, 102860.

  16. Osman, M., McLachlan, S., Fenton, N., Neil, M., Löfstedt, R. & Meder, B. (2020). Learning from behavioural changes that fail. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24, 969-980.

  17. Osman, M., Fenton, N., McLachlan, S, Hitman, G., Lucas, P. Dube, K, Evangelia Kyrimi, E., Neil, M..(2020). The thorny problems of Covid-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Finding the best way forward. Journal of  Behavioral Economics for Policy. 4, 57-61.

  18. Freestone, M., Osman, M., & Ibrahim, Y. (2020). On the uses and abuses of narcissism as a public health issue. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1-4

  19. Gold, N., Osman, M., Lin, Y., & Ashcroft, R. (2020). Better off, as judged by themselves”: Do people support nudges as a method to change their own behavior? Behavioural Public Policy, 1-30.

  20. Osman, M., & Pupic, D. (2019). Judging Levels of Violence: Factors That Influence Assessment of Severity of Violent Acts and Their Consequences. Psychology and Cognition, 3, 2.

  21. Osman, M., & Thornton, K. (2019). Traffic light labelling of meals to promote sustainable consumption and healthy eating. Appetite. 138, 60-71.

  22. Neil, M., Fenton, N., Osman, M., & Lagnado., D. (2019). Causality, the critical but often ignored component guiding us through a world of uncertainties in risk assessment. Journal of Risk Research, 1-5.

  23. Osman, M., & Gothold, S. (2019). Consumer Judgment of Food Labels: How Front of Pack Promotions Influences Choice Behaviour, Views of Nutritional Content, Judgments of Healthiness, and Willingness to Pay Estimates. Annals of Nutrition & Food Science, 3, e1039.

  24. Xhakollari, V., Canavari, M, Osman, M. (2018). Factors affecting consumers' adherence to the gluten-free diet, a systematic review. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 85, 23-33.

  25. Valdillo, M., Gold, N., & Osman. M (2018). Searching for the bottom of the ego well: Failure to uncover ego depletion in Many Labs 3. Royal Society Open Science, 8, 180390

  26. Osman, M., LV, J., Proulx, M. (2018). Can Empathy Promote Cooperation when Status and Money Matter? Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 40, 201-218.

  27. Schoppek, W., Kluge, A., Osman, M., & Funke, J. (2018). Complex problem solving beyond the psychometric approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1224.

  28. Spence, C., Osman, M., & McElligott, (2017). Theory of Animal Mind: Human Nature or Experimental Artefact?. Trends in Cognitive Science, 21(5), 333-343.

  29. Osman, M., Eacott, B., Wilson, S. (2017). Arts-based interventions in healthcare education: Form, content and evaluation. Medical Humanities: BMJ, 44, 28-33

  30. Lin, Y., Osman, M., Ashcroft, R. (2017). Nudge: Concept, Effectiveness, and Ethics. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 39, 293-306.

  31. Osman, M., Lin, Y., Ashcroft, R. (2017). Nudge: A lesson in the theatrics of choice. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 39, 311-316

  32. Valdillo, M., Gold, N., & Osman. M (2016). The bitter truth about sugar and willpower: The limited evidential value of the glucose model of ego depletion. Psychological Science, 27, 1207-1214.

  33. Osman, M, Pupic, D., & Baigent, N. (2016). How Many slaps is equivalent to One Punch? New Approaches to Assessing the Relative Severity of Violent Acts, Psychology of Violence, 7, 69-81

  34. LV, Y., Proulx, M. J., & Osman, M. (2015). The Role of Personal Values and Empathy in a Cooperative Game. Journal of Social Science Research, 9, 1834-1844.

  35. Osman. M. (2015). Behavioral Economics: Where is it heading? Psychology, 6. 1114-1124.

  36. Puranam, P., Steigliz, N., Osman. M. & Pullitla, M. (2015). Modelling Bounded Rationality in Organizations: Progress and Prospects. Academy of Management Annals 9(1), 337-392.

  37. Osman. M. (2015). Dynamic Moral judgments and emotions. Psychology, 922-931.

  38. Osman, M., & Ananiadis-Basias, A. (2014). Context and animacy play a role in dynamic decision- making. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation. (2), 61-78.

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