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Prof. Magda Osman

  • Liknedin

Head of Research and Analysis.

Prof. Policy Impact

I am Head of Research and Analysis Centre for Science and Policy,  University of Cambridge, as well as Principal Researcher of basic and applied decision-making at the University of Cambridge. 


I also hold a position (Prof) at Leeds Business School, University of Leeds, supporting policy impact.


I am a psychologist by training, with a specific interest in decision-making under risk and uncertainty, folk beliefs in the unconscious, as well as an interest in examining effectiveness of methods of behavioural change.


I work closely with others in disciplines including: machine learning, management, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience, behavioural economic, economics, and medical sciences.


I am also interested in science communication, and understanding effective ways of engaging the public on matters related to social policy.

Research Interests

The ethos of my work has been to take a critical eye to well accepted views and challenge the status quo. As a result, my research interests cover a range of areas that include decision-making, learning, problem-solving, biases, risk and uncertainty, agency and control, and the unconscious.


My research helps answer questions like:


  • How do we make decisions in uncertain and risky situations?

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  • What common folk beliefs are there on how our unconscious is being manipulated?

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  • Why do some factors impact our choices more than others?

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  • Why nudges are not the answer to effective wide scale behavioural change?

Arts Collaborations

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